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Newsletter #1 December 2023

Economic, Social and SPatial INequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends
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Our goal is to re-examine the nexus of social, economic and spatial inequalities in the EU,

the various typologies and the arrangements and mix of policies addressing them, in the light of emerging and highly interacting mega-trends and challenges, threatening to increase pressures and make policy choices even more difficult. As new and older drivers of change are projected to create a rather unfavorable environment for balanced growth and socio-spatial resilience, this research will focus on the analysis of policy responses, aiming to make them more proactive, inclusive and effective.


Kick-off meeting

RSA Conference

The kick-off meeting took place on the 13th and 14th of October 2022! Partners of the ESSPIN project met for the first time to begin their mission to support the EU initiatives on social and economic transformations towards an inclusive society.
Learn more about our goals:
From the 14th to the 17th June, the ESSPIN consortium gathered in Ljubjana for the Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference #RSA23. Within the conference, ESSPIN has organised a special session where partners presented thier latest researches on Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe.


New Publication

ESRI published a paper that examines wage dispersion between firms across European regions and the role played by multinational firms with dominant market shares, the so-called “superstar firms”. Taken together, the key findings of this paper indicate that foreign direct investment, and international superstar firms in particular, have contributed to increased wage inequality between firms across European regions over the period 2012-2021. While increased wage inequality between firms might appear to be less of a concern, international evidence indicates that it can lead to increased overall income inequality.
The effect of decommissioning mining waste facilities on mortality in the long run”

The University of Cagliari published its first paper within the project. This study seeks to provide new information about how mining waste facilities impact the health and quality of life of people living nearby. The study represents the first attempt to estimate the causal effect of closing mining waste facilities on long-term mortality and other socio-economic outcomes at the local level over 50 years.


In each newsletter, we will highlight some consortium partners. Interested in knowing their main field of research? Check their website!

University of Thessaly

The University is deeply invested in high-quality scientific research, considering it a necessary presupposition for the production and transmission of new knowledge: it encourages scientific distinction of its research potential in all fields, it rewards high individual and collective achievement, and it creates a conducive climate for research and teaching innovation.

Politecnico di Milano

It is ranked as one of the most outstanding European universities in Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. The Regional and Urban Economics research group of the ABC (Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) Department, at Politecnico di Milano, has long-lasting expertise and international reputation in regional and urban issues, especially related to technological development, regional inequalities and scenario building and modelling.

London School of Economics

LSE is a social science specialist university, with a global community in the heart of London and a commitment to shape the world.
The Department of Geography and Environment at LSE is a center of international academic excellence in economic, urban and development geography, environmental social science and climate change.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101061104. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the ESSPIN project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union
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